Dial Options
Part # | Description |
5APKS03045 | 4” R3D® Fluorescent Dial |
5ARXS03045 | 4″ Fluorescent Dial |
5ANTS03047 | 4” R3D® Silver & Black Dial |
5137S03047 | 4” Silver & Black Dial |
5ANGS03044 | 8” R3D® Silver & Black Dial |
5ARYS03066 | 8″ Fluorescent Dial |
5ARWS03066 | 8” R3D® Fluorescent Dial |
5015S00481 | 8” Silver & Black Dial |
0023S00031 | MR Light Module for 4” R3D® Fluorescent Dial |

When Ordering Specify:
1. Liquid to be gauged and specific gravity.
2. Inside diameter of tank heads: ellipsoidal, semi-ellipsoidal or hemispherical.
3. Complete model number desired from price list 6300 (example M6342-11).
4. Prefix letters for available options fromprice list 6300.
5. If a dial other than standard are required, furnish drawing and/or details.
6. Furnish tank drawings whenever ordering gauges for angle-mounting or for installation in vertical tanks.
7 If tank mounting flange is required, order separately from chart above.
*Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Pressure ratings subject to change due to temperature and other environmental considerations.
U.S. Patents